Hi, I'm Dr. Cy Smith
Do you agree with me that our country has drifted far away from where we should be, from the principles that we were founded upon?
The best hope we have is to equip young people with a biblical world view, so that they can impact tomorrow's culture, family and society.
To do that, we must bring Christ into the classroom.
The Clearly Christian Podcast is my effort to inspire you to join me in the fight to equip our kids to stand up for what's right in the days ahead. My legacy, with your help, will be to influence and awaken Christian America to the importance of Christian education and to help our children impact society through a biblical world view.
Join me.
- Dr, Cy Smith
Know More about Dr. Cy Smith
Dr. Cy Smith is a leader in the field of Christian education. He serves as the Superintendent of his alma mater, Mansfield Christian School in Mansfield, Ohio. His convictions and core values regarding education from a biblical worldview drive his broad influence, while his experience and success have made Mansfield Christian School one of the premier Christian schools in the Midwest. As a professional administrator, leader, speaker and writer, Dr. Smith is committed to expanding the reach and effectiveness of Christian schools.

Superintendent, Mansfield Christian Schools
Vice President, East Region School Accreditation Commission, Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI)
President, Greater Cleveland Christian Administrators Association (GCCAA)
ACSI State of Ohio Representative
Member, Mid-America Region, ACSI Professional Development Planning Committee
Legal Representative for ACSI Schools with the Ohio Department of Education
Consultant, Christian School Board
Team Chair, ACSI School Accreditation
Presenter, ACSI, BCCAA Conference/Workshop
Passionate member of Richland County Economic Development Group, Mansfield Chamber of Commerce, Richland County Foundation, Berean Baptist Church

Why Does Christian Education Matter

Dr. Cy Smith
Mansfield Christian School
Let's make a difference, together
All good things begin with a conversation. If you've got ideas, questions or a desire to be a part of the movement, reach out and let's talk.